Letsatsi la Lefatše la Lefatše le APP China li kopanya matsoho ho sireletsa mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng
Letsatsi la Lefatše, le oelang ka April 22 selemo se seng le se seng, ke mokete o khethehileng o hlophisitsoeng bakeng sa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho ea lefats'e, e ikemiselitseng ho tsebisa sechaba ka litaba tse teng tsa tikoloho.
Dr. Paper's Science Popularization
1. "Letsatsi la Lefatše" la bo54 lefatšenglebokose la chokolete
Ka la 22 Mmesa, 2023, “Letsatsi la Lefatše” la bo-54 lefatšeng ka bophara e tla ba “Lefatše bakeng sa Bohle”, ka sepheo sa ho hlokomelisa sechaba, ho khothaletsa botsitso ba tikoloho, le ho sireletsa mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng.
Ho latela Sixth Assessment Report of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) e fanoeng ke United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), mefuta e fetang milione e le ’ngoe e kotsing lefatšeng ka bophara, ’me sekhahla sa tahlehelo ea mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng se imena ka makhetlo a 1 000 ho feta lilemong tse 100 000 tse fetileng. hodimo.
Ho atametse ho sireletsa mefuta-futa ea lintho tse phelang!
2. Biodiversity ke eng?chokolete lebokose
Li-dolphin tse khahlehang, li-panda tse sa tsebeng letho, palesa ea orchid e phuleng, e khahleha ebile e sa tloaelehe e nang le linaka tse peli morung oa pula e ngata… Mefuta-futa ea lintho tse phelang e etsa hore polanete ena e putsoa e be monate haholo.
Nakong ea lilemo tse 30 pakeng tsa 1970 le 2000, lentsoe "biodiversity" le ile la qaptjoa 'me la hasana ha mefuta e mengata ea mefuta e teng Lefatšeng e fokotseha ka 40%. Ho na le litlhaloso tse ngata tsa "mefuta-futa ea likokoana-hloko" sechabeng sa saense, 'me tlhaloso e nang le matla a ho feta e tsoa ho Convention on Biological Diversity.
Le hoja khopolo ena e batla e le ncha, mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng ka boeona e bile teng ka nako e telele. Ke sehlahisoa sa ts'ebetso e telele ea ho iphetola ha lintho ea lintho tsohle tse phelang polaneteng eohle, ka libōpuoa tsa khale ka ho fetisisa tse tsejoang tse qalileng lilemo tse ka bang limilione tse likete tse 3.5.
3. “Kopano mabapi le Mefuta-futa ea Likokoana-hloko”
Ka la 22 May, 1992, ho ile ha amoheloa lengolo la tumellano la Convention on Biological Diversity Nairobi, Kenya. Ka June 5 selemong sona seo, baeta-pele ba bangata ba lefatše ba ile ba kopanela Sebokeng sa Machaba a Kopaneng sa Tikoloho le Tsoelo-pele se neng se tšoaretsoe Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Litumellano tse tharo tse kholo mabapi le ts'ireletso ea tikoloho - Tumellano ea Moralo ea Phetoho ea Tlelaemete, Tumellano ea Phano ea Likokoana-hloko, le Tumellano ea ho Loantša Phetoho ea Mahoatata. Har’a tsona, “Convention on Biological Diversity” ke kopano ea machaba bakeng sa ho sireletsa mehloli ea lintho tse phelang lefatšeng, e reretsoeng ho sireletsa mefuta-futa ea lintho tse phelang, tšebeliso e tsitsitseng ea mefuta-futa ea lintho tse phelang le likarolo tsa eona, le ho arolelana melemo e loketseng le e utloahalang. ho tloha tšebelisong ea mehloli ea liphatsa tsa lefutso .ho phuthela dimpho tsa pampiri
Joaloka e 'ngoe ea linaha tse nang le mefuta-futa e ruileng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, naha ea heso e boetse e le e' ngoe ea mekha ea pele ea ho saena le ho tiisa Tumellano ea Machaba a Kopaneng ea Phano ea Likokoana-hloko.
Ka la 12 October, 2021, sebokeng sa baeta-pele sa Seboka sa bo15 sa Mekha ea Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15), Mopresidente Xi Jinping o ile a bontša hore “Mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng e etsa hore lefatše le tlale bophelo bo botle ’me hape ke motheo oa batho. ho phela le ntshetsopele. Ho baballa mefuta-futa ea lintho tse phelang ho thusa ho boloka lehae la lefatše ’me ho khothalletsa tsoelo-pele e tsitsitseng ea batho.”
APP China e ntse e sebetsa
1. Sireletsa tsoelopele e tsitsitseng ea mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng
Ho na le mefuta e mengata ea meru, 'me tikoloho ea eona e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa tsamaisong ea tikoloho ea lefatše. APP China esale e beha bohlokoa bo boholo ho ts'ireletso ea mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng, e ikopantseng ka thata le "Molao oa Meru", "Molao oa Tšireletso ea Tikoloho", "Molao oa Tšireletso ea Liphoofolo Tse hlaha" le melao le melaoana e meng ea naha, 'me e thehile "Liphoofolo le limela tse hlaha (ho kenyeletsoa. Mefuta ea RTE, ke hore, Mefuta e sa Tloaelehang e Kotsing ea ho Nyamela: Ka kakaretso e bitsoa mefuta e sa tloaelehang, e sokeloang le e kotsing) Melao ea Tšireletso, “Mehato ea Paballo ea Lintho Tse Phelang le Tlhokomelo ea Taolo” le litokomane tse ling tsa leano.
Ka 2021, APP China Forestry e tla kenyelletsa ts'ireletso ea mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng le paballo ea botsitso ba tikoloho ho sistimi ea selemo le selemo ea litšupiso tsa tikoloho, le ho etsa tlhahlobo ea ts'ebetso beke le beke, khoeli le khoeli le kotara; le ho sebelisana 'moho le Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Univesithi ea Hainan, Guangdong Ecological Engineering Vocational College, joalo-joalo. Likholetjhe le litsi tsa lipatlisiso tsa saense li sebelisane ho phethahatsa merero e kang ho hlahloba tikoloho le ho beha leihlo mefuta-futa ea limela.
2. APP Chaena
Mehato e ka Sehloohong ea Tšireletso ea Meru ea Mefuta-futa
1. Mokhahlelo oa khetho ea Woodland
Fumana feela mobu oa meru oa khoebo o boletsoeng ke mmuso.
2. Mokhahlelo oa moralo oa ho lema meru
Phehella ho lekola mefuta-futa ea lihloliloeng, 'me ka nako e tšoanang botsa ofisi ea meru ea sebakeng seo, seteishene sa meru le komiti ea motse hore na u kile ua bona liphoofolo tse hlaha tse sirelelitsoeng le limela sebakeng sa meru. Haeba ho joalo, e tla tšoauoa ka ho hlaka 'mapeng oa moralo.
3. Pele o qala mosebetsi
Fana ka likonteraka le basebetsi koetliso ea tšireletso ea liphoofolo tse hlaha le limela le polokeho ea mollo tlhahisong.
Ho thibetsoe hore bo-rakonteraka le basebetsi ba sebelise mollo bakeng sa tlhahiso naheng ea meru, joalo ka ho chesa lesupi le ho hloekisa lithaba.
4. Nakong ea mesebetsi ea meru
Likonteraka le basebetsi ba thibetsoe ka thata ho tsoma, ho reka le ho rekisa liphoofolo tse hlaha, ho kha le ho cheka limela tse hlaha tse sirelelitsoeng, le ho senya libaka tsa bolulo tsa liphoofolo tse hlaha le limela tse haufi.
5. Nakong ea paterola ea letsatsi le letsatsi
Matlafatsa phatlalatso mabapi le tšireletso ea liphoofolo le limela.
Haeba liphoofolo le limela tse sirelelitsoeng le meru ea boleng bo phahameng ba HCV e fumanoa, mehato e ts'oanang ea ts'ireletso e tla kengoa ts'ebetsong ka nako.
6. Tekolo ea tikoloho
Sebelisana nako e telele le mekhatlo ea mekhatlo ea boraro, ho tsitlallela ho etsa tlhahlobo ea tikoloho ea meru ea maiketsetso, ho matlafatsa mehato ea tšireletso kapa ho lokisa mehato ea tsamaiso ea meru.
Lefatše ke lehae le tloaelehileng la moloko oa batho. Ha re amoheleng Letsatsi la Lefatše la 2023 'me re sireletse "lefatše bakeng sa libopuoa tsohle" mmoho le APP.
Nako ea poso: Apr-24-2023