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Luxury Truffle Chocolate Packaging And Rule Of Export Packaging

Luxury Truffle Chocolate Packaging And Rule Of Export Packaging

Chocolate truffles were invented by Frenchman Louis Dufour in 1895. This humble chocolate became extremely popular as soon as it was released. Nowadays, the world's most well-known chocolate manufacturers or handmade chocolate shops produce their own chocolate truffles, often inviting chocolate chefs to create unique chocolate truffles on commemorative occasions.

Why is it called chocolate truffle truffle packaging supplies uk? Because the appearance is very similar to a freshly unearthed truffle wrapped in soil; the taste is smooth and melts in the mouth, just like a truffle.

Ordinary "truffle chocolate" does not contain truffle fungi in its ingredients, but the outer layer is stained with cocoa powder. Different from the so-called truffle chocolate, our chocolate contains real truffles, imported directly from Serbia. From the appearance, you can see the dried black truffles scattered on the whole piece of chocolate. Made from cocoa butter, a natural cocoa fruit extract product, it has unsaturated fatty acids and a mellow and luxurious taste. Bite through the slightly crispy chocolate shell, and underneath this hard shell lies smooth chocolate mixed with light cream and a hint of truffle flavor. Any description other than closing your eyes and enjoying it is redundant. Little Truffle Knowledge Truffle "Truffle" is an annual fungus that mostly grows on the roots of broad-leaved trees. Its size has nothing to do with its age and is only born with the changes of the seasons.

As a fungus, truffle packaging supplies uk are rich in protein and amino acids. Therefore, Europeans rank truffles, caviar and foie gras among the "three most delicacies in the world".Truffles have extremely strict requirements on the growing environment, which makes them rare and expensive.

Why are truffles so valuable?

truffle chocolate

1. High nutritional value: Black truffle is rich in protein, 18 kinds of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, multiple vitamins, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus and selenium and other essential trace elements.

2. Rare yield: Truffles grow naturally at the roots of tree species. There are too many unpredictable factors in the growth process. As long as there is a slight change in sunlight, water, or the pH value of the soil, they will not grow.

3. It cannot be cultivated artificially: Truffles cannot be "grown". So far, no method of artificial cultivation has been found, so the yield is unstable.

4. Hunting is time-consuming and labor-intensive: Each truffle is found one by one by hounds or sows, which is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Friends who love sweets but have never experienced the unique aroma of truffles but are deterred by the high price of truffles, you can give it a try!


When we customize the packaging of export goods, in addition to considering factors such as product characteristics, promotion, and transportation, we also need to know the different regulations on the packaging of imported goods in various countries around the world when customizing packaging boxes.

Now, the editor will popularize the taboos on product packaging in various countries:

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1. The United States, New Zealand, Canada and other countries prohibit the use of straw as packaging materials to prevent the introduction of certain plant diseases and insect pests and damage to the country's ecological environment;

2. Iran, Saudi Arabia (SA) and other countries stipulate that imported truffle packaging supplies uk goods must be packaged in container transportation, otherwise import and unloading are not allowed;

3. Arab stipulates that the six-pointed star pattern is prohibited on the packaging of imported goods. Arabs are very disgusted and taboo about things with six-pointed star patterns. This should be avoided when customizing packaging boxes.

4. Most Europeans like black cats, except for the Belgians who regard cats as unlucky.

5. Libya prohibits the use of pig patterns and female human body patterns on imported goods packaging.

6. The Agricultural Quarantine Office of the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries stipulates that the following materials are strictly prohibited for packaging of imported goods: soil, marl, hay, straw, wheat straw, chaff or bran, moss, used old sacks and other waste materials.

7. The Philippine Ministry of Health and Customs stipulate that imported goods are prohibited from being packaged in sacks, sack products, straw, straw mats and other materials.

8. The French regard bright colors as elegance and are very popular. The French regard horses as a symbol of bravery. The French avoid walnuts, hate dark green, avoid using spades patterns, and avoid using chrysanthemums on trademarks. France regards peacocks as evil birds and is taboo with cranes and turtles. It should not be used as a trademark when customizing packaging.

9. It is forbidden to use portraits on British trademarks. The British avoid the use of elephants and goats, but prefer white cats. Like the French, the British also regard peacocks as evil birds and should not be used as trademarks, but regard horses as a symbol of bravery.

10. The Swiss are taboo about owls.

11. Danes regard red, white and blue as auspicious colors.

12. Italians regard purple as a negative color. They like to use light colors for clothing, cosmetics and high-quality packaging, and like bright colors for food and toys.

13. It is forbidden to mark products and packaging produced in Germany with symbols similar to Nazi and Legionnaires.

14. The Dutch regard orange as a lively color, and orange and blue represent the national colors. The Dutch also love tulips.

15. The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and 15 EU countries have successively issued decrees since 1998, requiring wooden packaging from China to be imported with a certificate issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Agency to certify that the wooden packaging is Items that have been heat-treated, fumigated or anti-corrosion treated, or the exporter issues a certificate of no wood packaging, can be imported. If any goods violate the regulations, the entire batch will be prohibited from entry, or the wooden packaging will be removed and destroyed under approved conditions. Companies should pay attention when customizing product packaging boxes.

16. In addition to mandatory restrictions on packaging in foreign countries, due to differences in economic development levels across countries, there are different requirements for packaging quality. The quality of packaging will also directly lead to gains and losses in trade. For example, when the bulk commodity matsutake exported by Yunnan every year (exports reached more than 1,200 tons in 2001) was exported to Japan in the 1980s, due to the poor quality of the packaging boxes in our country, at the request of foreign businessmen, the cartons used to ship matsutake had to be replaced. When purchasing from abroad, many domestic carton factories can only watch the money flowing into the pockets of foreign truffle packaging supplies uk packaging manufacturers in vain. Through the continuous efforts and improvements of packaging enterprises in the province, the cartons produced in Yunnan have completely replaced foreign cartons in recent years. Many carton factories in the province have gained a lot of benefits from the production of matsutake boxes every year. It is "the fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields". In order to ensure that our products can smoothly enter the markets of various countries, all companies should understand each country's requirements for imported packaging, and design and select packaging materials according to the requirements, so that their products can enter the international market smoothly.

17. In daily life, gift packaging boxes can be seen everywhere, and life is inseparable from packaging boxes. China usually pays great attention to the following three elements when customizing gift packaging boxes:

(1) Beautiful appearance. Everyone loves beauty and can never put it down for good-looking things. Some people even buy them just because of the beautiful packaging. Place items.

(2) The exquisite box-shaped gift packaging box can be designed with a sky-and-ground cover and a book-shaped box to identify the product, thereby increasing product sales.

(3) Green environmental protection In this era of supporting green environmental protection, there are new requirements for the materials used in customized gift packaging boxes.

Using environmentally friendly materials to reduce environmental pollution will also make everyone more inclined to this truffle packaging supplies uk gift packaging box.

News 1. Austrian Packaging Law Compliance Matters

Starting from January 1, 2023, the Austrian packaging regulations will be officially implemented. Austria's packaging regulations have the same goals as the German packaging law, which are to implement the EU packaging directives in the home country, encourage packaging manufacturers to minimize the use of unnecessary packaging and increase packaging recycling rates from a regulatory perspective.

The difference is that truffle packaging supplies uk Austrian packaging compliance work is not as complicated as German packaging law, and there is no need to register and submit data reports on government agency websites such as LUCID. Cross-border sellers only need to find a local Austrian recycling company to complete the entrustment of the authorized representative and the declaration of Austrian packaging at the same time.

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ARA is an Austrian recycling company authorized by Green Dot System

News 2. Green Dot Group accelerates international development

The name change of chemical recycling giant Circular Resources highlights its recognition of the Der Grüne Punkt brand, and it uses Germany's experience in plastic recycling to accelerate the development of the local plastic recycling industry, led by the United States and France.

Green Dot Holding Company Circular Resources S.à r.l. officially changed its name to Green Dot Global S.à r.l. Circular Resources Holding GmbH & Co. KG changes its name to Grüne Punkt Holding GmbH & Co. KG. Laurent Auguste, CEO of Green Dot Group, announced: “With the name change, we clarify the Group’s goal: to provide holistic solutions for the recyclability of a wider range of plastic waste, including those unsuitable for mechanical recycling that end up in incineration or landfill outside Germany. buried waste streams. We are developing a unique approach that combines the sale of packaging licenses at an international level with a material stream that goes directly into the cycle, whether mechanical or chemical recycling.”

News 3: Will the EU ban coffee capsule packaging?

At the end of November last year, the European Packaging Regulation PPWR draft submitted by the European Commission included a provision regarding coffee capsule truffle packaging supplies uk packaging - non-biodegradable coffee capsule packaging will be banned from circulation throughout Europe. Among other things, the draft European Packaging Regulation (PPWR) requires single-serve coffee capsule packaging to be marketed only if it is industrially compostable.

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The coffee industry and Green Dot have established an efficient recycling lane for used coffee capsules. However, there is no complete recycling system for biodegradable coffee capsule packaging, and such coffee capsule packaging is currently not accepted in Germany's organic waste classification. Obviously, this provision in the PPWR draft is difficult to hold under the current conditions. As one of the important recycling companies in the industry, Green Dot supports the European Coffee Union’s voice and issued a certain professional statement on the regulations on coffee capsule packaging in the PPWR draft.


Post time: Dec-12-2023